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Graduate Student Planning Committee

Carmen Jones (Graduate College Liason), Ph.D. Student, School of Education

Nichelle'Le Carrington (Chair), Ph.D. Student, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Priscila Candal, Ph.D. Student, Kinesiology

Elizabeth Carino, Ph.D. Student, Plant Pathology and Microbiology

Trishelle Copeland-Johnson, Ph.D. Student, Materials Science and Engineering

Lisa Dazzell, Ph.D. Student, Psychology

Maria Espino, Ph.D. Student, School of Education

Charles Nyamekye, Ph.D. Student, Chemistry

Crystal Roach, Ph.D. Student, Animal Science

Cristina Santana, Ph.D. Student, Vet Diagnostic & Production Animal Medicine

Thelma Harding, Graduate College Staff Advisor


Symposium Contacts: Carmen Jones or Thelma Harding at