Presentation Winners

James Delgado, Toxicology (Jeffrey Wolt

Presentation: Fumonisin B1 and Implications in Nursery Swine Productivity: A Quantitative Exposure Assessment

Jeremy Brown, Electrical Engineering (Nathan Neihart)

Presentation: A Tunable Low Noise Amplifier in 0.13 um CMOS

Tyrone Moore, Mechanical Engineering (J. Adin Mann)

Presentation: Mapping Situational Urgency to Perceived Urgency through Manipulation of Sound Quality Parameters in Virtual Environments

Brittany Porter, Food Science and Technology (Byron Brehm-Stecher)

Presentation: Rapid Detection and DNA PROFiling of Salmonella spp. in Food via Combined PCR and Capillary Electrophoresis

Luncheon Speaker

Dr. Brian O. Hemphill, Vice President for Stu-dent Affairs & Enrollment Management and Associate Professor, is responsible for all as-pects of student life and enrollment manage-ment at Northern Illinois University and be-lieves that providing students with a holistic learning experience and offering a broad range of services, staff, and systems ensures a quality experience from recruitment to graduation. He has a strong background in student advo-cacy, advancing diversity and equity, and es-tablishing a solid commitment to shared gov-ernance on campus. Prior to joining NIU, he served as an associate vice chancellor and dean of students at University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, associate dean of students at Uni-versity of North Carolina-Wilmington, and coordinator of minority recruitment and retention at Iowa State University. Dr. Hemphill is currently a member of the Board of Trustees for St. Augustine’s College in North Carolina and of the Advisory Board of the Greenlee School of Journalism at Iowa State University. Throughout his career he has pioneered several initiatives to enhance the living-learning community, including multicultural awareness programs, student leadership curricula, and collaborative residential education. He has contributed numerous journal articles and professional presentations in the areas of leadership, crisis management, ethics, and diversity, and most recently released a new book, Enough is Enough: A Student Affairs Perspec-tive on Preparedness and Response to a Campus Shooting. He has served in leader-ship roles within the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), which named him a Pillar of the Profession in 2009. He earned a Ph.D. in higher education administration from the University of Iowa, a Master of Science de-gree in journalism and mass communication from Iowa State University of Science and Technology, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in organizational communication from St. Augustine’s College.



Photos of the 2010 Sympsoium can be viewed here.